User Contributed MET/CAL Procedure ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: G Force Sub DATE: 29-Jul-97 AUTHOR: User Contributed REVISION: ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 1 NUMBER OF LINES: 167 CONFIGURATION: HP 34401A CONFIGURATION: HP 5335A ============================================================================= STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 DISP Measure the radius from the center of the table to the 1.001 DISP center of the UUT. 1.002 MEMI Enter the measured radius in inches. 1.003 MEME >100 # 1.006 MATH m[100] = 5.25 1.004 MATH m[101] = (100 * SQRT ( 2.5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.005 MATH m[102] = (100 * SQRT ( 5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.006 MATH m[103] = (100 * SQRT ( 7.5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.007 MATH m[104] = (100 * SQRT ( 10 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.008 MATH m[105] = (100 * SQRT ( 12.5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.009 MATH m[106] = (100 * SQRT ( 15 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.010 MATH m[107] = (100 * SQRT ( 17.5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.011 MATH m[108] = (100 * SQRT ( 20 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.012 MATH m[109] = (100 * SQRT ( 22.5 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 1.013 MATH m[110] = (100 * SQRT ( 25 / (.284 * m[100]))) / 60 # m[101] thru m[110] are the nominal table frequency. 1.014 DISP Connect the UUT to the rotarty table's slip ring 1.014 DISP terminals using the four pin XLR to spade lug adapter. 1.015 DISP Connect the spade lugs numbered 1 through 4, 1.015 DISP to their correspondingly numbered screw terminal. 1.016 DISP Connect the power supply to the rotary table front 1.016 DISP panel banana plugs 1 and 4. Also, connect the power 1.016 DISP supply to the POWER dual banana plugs on the 1.016 DISP Load Cell Fixture box. 1.017 DISP Connect the frequency counter to the BNC connector 1.017 DISP on the rotary table. 1.018 DISP Connect the HP 34401A HI input to the rotary table 1.018 DISP front panel panel banana plug 2, and the HP 34401A LO 1.018 DISP input to the rotary table front panel panel banana 1.018 DISP plug 3. 1.019 DISP Also, connect rotary table banana plugs 2 and 3 to 1.019 DISP the dual banana plugs labeled LOAD CELL OUTPUT 1.019 DISP Load Cell Fixture box. 1.020 34401 V N 2W 1.021 MEME >150 1.022 MEME <101 1.023 DISP Due do the difficulties involved in adjusting the 1.023 DISP rotational velocity of the table, adjustments to within 1.023 DISP a few milliHertz of the nominally required value will 1.023 DISP suffice. 1.024 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.025 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.025 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.026 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.027 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.028 34401 V N 2W 1.029 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.030 MEME >1 1.031 MATH M[11] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.032 MEME <102 1.033 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.034 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.034 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.035 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.036 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.037 34401 V N 2W 1.038 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.039 MEME >2 1.040 MATH M[12] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.041 MEME <103 1.042 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.043 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.043 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.044 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.045 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.046 34401 V N 2W 1.047 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.048 MEME >3 1.049 MATH M[13] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.050 MEME <104 1.051 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.052 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.052 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.053 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.054 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.055 34401 V N 2W 1.056 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.057 MEME >4 1.058 MATH M[14] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.059 MEME <105 1.060 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.061 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.061 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.062 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.063 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.064 34401 V N 2W 1.065 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.066 MEME >5 1.067 MATH M[15] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 # 1.072 JMP 1.119 1.068 MEME <106 1.069 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.070 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.070 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.071 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.072 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.073 34401 V N 2W 1.074 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.075 MEME >6 1.076 MATH M[16] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 # 1.082 JMP 1.119 1.077 MEME <107 1.078 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.079 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.079 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.080 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.081 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.082 34401 V N 2W 1.083 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.084 MEME >7 1.085 MATH M[17] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.086 MEME <108 1.087 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.088 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.088 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.089 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.090 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.091 34401 V N 2W 1.092 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.093 MEME >8 1.094 MATH M[18] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.095 MEME <109 1.096 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.097 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.097 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.098 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.099 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.100 34401 V N 2W 1.101 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.102 MEME >9 1.103 MATH M[19] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.104 MEME <110 1.105 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.106 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.106 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.107 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.108 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.109 34401 V N 2W 1.110 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.111 MEME >10 1.112 MATH M[20] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.113 MEME <106 1.114 MATH MEM2 = FMT ( MEM , "%6.4f") 1.115 DISP Adjust the rotary table for a reading of 1.115 DISP [MEM2] on the counter. 1.116 IEEE [@5335][I] 1.117 MATH M[50] = MEM * 60 1.118 34401 V N 2W 1.119 MATH mem = mem - m[150] 1.120 MEME >41 1.121 MATH M[42] = (.284 * M[50]^2 * M[100]) / 10000 1.122 DISP Turn off the rotary table 1.123 END